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She knew she could live without him. She wouldn’t live her life any different.

But couldn’t imagine something more painful and colorless.

She hated him, but loved him.

He amazed her with the beauty he carried inside and she wished for him to see what she saw. The potential he had.

She sometimes asked herself if she could be more suitable with some one else and she knew she could, but didn’t want to. She wanted him, to fight with him and kiss him afterwards.

She didn’t want perfection, she wanted the passion that he gave her, the feeling she got when he looked at her and all the colors that he brought.

She loved the fact that even though he most of the time drove her crazy, and that they most of the time fought like crazy, that she at the end of the day always wanted to hold him.

She knew she had alot to learn to make them work and in a way it killed her. But loved that he was the one that showed her where to grow.

And even though she knew it wasn’t easy and that life could take them apart and that they could take themselves apart, she loved that she, because of him, could say that she at least ones in her life has truly been in love.

Finally, she loved that for the first time in her life she was able to miss someone, and loved that she was able to miss him even when he was just next to her.

You make me question if I love you and maybe that’s because i’ve never loved like this before. You may feel different but i’ll have you know Baby, that no one will ever love you like I do.


Författare: Victoria Engh.

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